The difference with Plantera to other products on the market is that in our formula we have 5 vasodilators at a very good concentration, among them is the minoxidil hyaluronate that is not the conventional one that you get on the market, but a new scientific development that encapsulates this vasodilator in squalenes, these squalenes are like eggs microencapsulated in hyaluronic acid, When they touch the skin, they are released and work in the area, activating blood circulation.

And this makes the follicle better nourished without the side effects of regular minoxidil.


Minoxidil Hyaluronate is a new scientific development that encapsulates minoxidil in hyauluronic acid, which counteracts the side effects of regular minoxidil

Apart from that, we have 4 other vasodilators and 10 natural extracts

Our formula is a perfect combination of the molecule that opens the pore, the one that increases blood circulation and the one that dilates the bone that opens the follicle and allows the natural extracts and components to penetrate the skin.

Allergies & Special Conditions

Our formula is not dissolved in alcohol or propylene glycol, which are the substances that cause allergies, dry out and break out the skin, unlike other beard products on the market.

You may cause a little itchy at first (2 min) but it is normal, this is because the vasodilators are acting. As it is encapsulated in hyaluronic acid, it moisturizes and acts on the follicle, counteracting the side effects of common minoxidil.